5 Best Projectors for Church of 2022 – Complete Buyer’s Guide

Best Projectors for a Church
Projector Finder » Projectors by Use » 5 Best Projectors for Church of 2022 – Complete Buyer’s Guide

With the hard time the world is facing these days, the Sunday church services are jam-packed with the worshipers assembling in the churches worldwide.

With a spacious hall and tall building occupying the long and non-bending walls and the room to fit in more worshipers at a time, the display solution turns out to be one critical task for the church management to grasp.

To simplify it down to actually bring in the real and long-term solution that is cost-effective to the greater extent, we urge you to fit in the best projectors for a church that actually makes it the best work depending on its brighter display plus the projection screen size to go as wide as possible for everyone to see crystal-clear text to follow the prayers, showcasing hymnals, slide shows, and more. 

Luckily, the modern projectors come included with all the latest technology that demands just the plug n’ play.

Not just are we about to get started with listing 5 of the best projectors for church AND the full-fledged buying guide containing every single vital element to look for before purchasing a projector specifically for a church.

So, get set ready to get revealed with 5 nicest projectors to bring for a church!

5 Best Projectors for Church – Updated picks for 2022!

1. ViewSonic PG800HD – Editor Choice


ViewSonic PG800HD


It is most OK to add to a hall church. It goes from a standard projector to the versatile one featuring the advanced visual idealized for the professional installation to cover the large congregations.

Super easier to set up, it got 1.3x of optical zoom having the centered lens and the vertical lens shift as well as vertical keystoning for flexibly install it even in the challenging places to throw the best of the visual content widened to around 300 inches powered by 5,000 lumens along with the contrast ratio of 50,000:1 to live the extended life, well up to 2,500 hours having activated the dynamic eco-mode on.

Despite the lens power, it comes added with the increased accuracy to align the colors featuring a six-segment color wheel and the dynamic lamp control to throw out the stunning and beautiful images in the form of text and the animated content to view from all the angels conveniently, and any distance.

Comes with the flexible connectivity, it supports the widely-latest devices such as;

  • Media players
  • MACs
  • PCs
  • Mobile devices

Got the connectivity ports from;

  • HDMI
  • USB
  • And more

Included in the box the projector from ViewSonic PG800HD 1080p, a power cable, VGA cable, and remote control for the button-less operation.

Enjoy the extended warranty period of more than 3-years associated with the limited parts and the labour coverage and 1 complete year warranty coverage for the lamp to know you got your back covered in case any wrongdoing happens with the projector of the lamp.

  • Full HD display.
  • Mountable up on the wall.
  • Higher contrast ratio.
  • Does not correct the horizontal keystone.

2. Optoma W400LVe WXGA – High Brightness Projector


Optoma W400LVe WXGA Professional Projector


Please do not go with the minimalist design to defy but count on the series of features it embeds.

Optoma W400LVe is the kind of projector known for the increased brightness level powered by 4,000 lumens to even work best in the well-lit parish halls not to let the bulbs turn off to get the absolute viewable results.

NOT only the brightness level but the extensive connectivity mechanism allows you to port in the latest devices using the following ports;

  • HDMI 
  • VGA out
  • Composite video
  • USB
  • Audio-in
  • Audio-out
  • Kensington lock
  • RS232

When you have an Optoma W400LVe, you need not worry about the availability of the connectivity types to sacrifice hooking the latest available devices of today’s world.

Integrated with a speaker owning 10 watts of power to clearly hear the emitted sounds without needing to install the external speakers, but when using in a church hall, you might have to bring a few of them to set up and make everyone listen to the audio with added convenience.

Takes to deliver the incredible visual quality, enriching text, and the visual content filled up with vibrant colors, and increased sharpness thanks to the XGA resolution type hitting the resolution of 1280 x 800 with a 25,000:1 contrast ratio to clearly view everything from the close to far distance.

Convenient to set up Optoma W400LVe, the vertical keystone correction have +/- 40 degrees to let the projector catch the off-center without having to actually elevate the projector to project the image over the screen and having 1.1x zoom level that flexibility corrects the projection under any environment.

  • Multiple connectivity options.
  • Higher lumen power.
  • Not an FHD projector.

3. Epson HC1080 – Best Projector With Built-in Speakers


Epson Home Cinema 1080


Justifying the price it is tagged with, Epson HC1080 turns out to be an excellent collection in the name of placing it inside a church hall comprising a congregation of up to 200.

Coupled with the powerful 3,400 lumens that mix the colorful brightness to deliver the more accurate and the vivid color to match the brightness level to observe the brighter images even in the well-lit rooms requiring you NOT to close the blindfolds and pulling up the curtains on the windows (and that is going to cost a lot of time and energy.)

Ensured for the full HD (FHD) 1080p to project the excellent visual content, hitting the extreme quality, coming up with the sharp to showcase the larger-than-life visuals to watch everything from text to slideshows the streaming content even the last person from the congregation can easily read and watch.

Designed for the widescreen viewing experience and enhanced the performance to the extreme bits of it, it comes included with a built-in 5W of speakers to throw the sound with enough clarity.

Connect any of the latest compatible devices using dual HDMI ports and a single port from MHL to stream the multiple devices’ content.

  • Easy to set up.
  • Compatible with 1080p supporting widescreen content.
  • Low level of built-in speakers and would require external ones to hook up with.

4. BenQ MH760 – Best Full HD Projector for Church


BenQ MH760

In the world of projectors, never underestimate the quality it brings even if it is mildly cheaper than the most projectors available in the market.

Look at the BenQ, the maker of the most acceptable digital devices, and is the sole producer of this BenQ MH760 equipped with the full HD to showcase everything in bit complete detail.

Guaranteed to deliver the higher brightness to over 5,000 ANSI-lumens to fit, showing the larger screen to finely cover it with the increased quality when thrown the content out of the lens from the specified distance.

Acknowledged for the high-quality image in full HD form makes the native contrast ratio highly visible from any distance and the angle to view the screen without blurring entirely.

Controllable with getting it networking using Crestron, PJ-Link, AMX over the LAN and RS-232 from the distance of up to 49 feet from the installation so that there should NOT be required to have the man always present around the projector to navigate through the settings and doing the tasks.

Goes from projecting over 92″ to as high as 150″ by placing the projector from the screen on distance variation. Set it from 7.7 ft to 10 ft, it readies to project the screen size of 92,” and 12.5ft to 16.3ft takes it to launch the content to cover over 150″ of the screen with ease.

  • Controllable via multiple sources.
  • Totally wireless projecting solution.
  • Backed by ANSI-lumens.
  • DLP display.
  • No remote control is included with the purchase.

5. Epson VS400 – Multimedia Projector




Leaping straight to the finite entrant in our list of 5 of the best projector for a church, Epson VS400 wins the spot right off the line.

XGA display is best to accommodate the congregation of around 70 and to have the resolution of 1024 x 768 and a contrast ratio of 20,000:1 delivers an outstanding viewing experience, but you would be required to dim down the environment to a bit for projecting the quality content no matter it got the white painted wall portraying as a screen or the full-fledged screen bought for the same.

Set the optical zoom to around 1.6x that conveniently adjusts the picture with the greater positioning to retain the focus instantly, and is controllable through the attached remote or via RS-232 system.

Comes with the metal anchor bar and the control panel lockout, which adds the security to place and hangs into any of the environments without hitting single trouble.

Two years of limited warranty, get yourself to use it worry-free to replace anything within the timeframe.

  • Low-level resolution but guarantees a brighter projection.
  • Controllable using the remote or RS-232.
  • Low in the price.
  • No VGA output.

How To Choose The Best Projector for Church in 2022 – Buying Guide


A projector for a church should be examined heavily through a couple of fundamental technologies to determine what is really one kind of good fit to install into a church rightfully.

pew in cathedral

What are those? Let’s get a quick glance over the required steps with extreme caution to get a lock on the right product.

  1. Brightness power
  2. Resolution
  3. Throw ratio
  4. Aspect ratio
  5. Portable or fixed projector
  6. FAQs about projector picking up for a church

1- Brightness power

The ultimate deciding element is actually to get to clearly known with the brightness power of a projector.

Being used in a church, and most churches are old-constructed, where you can be experiencing the variation with the brightness actually to stay firm with little to no sunshine would be invading from outward.

And activating the lights is the only solution, and mainly the lanterns would be used in illuminating the entire church hall, but still, the brightness would not be increased to the bits like you are seated into the room in its extreme whiteness.

Goldy and yellowish colors are all you would find spilling all around the parish hall, so that may turn out the whole projector depending massively on this one particular specification (the acclaimed one) to form the deciding move to purchase the projector.

Lumens-wise, the standard of the technology responsible for making the projection content quality brighter and shinier.

Recommended lumen scale for the church projector

  • 2,000 to 3,000 lumens for the congregations of up to 40 to 70 people (room lighting has to be dimmed down to around zero percent for the convenient display.)
  • 4,000 lumens for the congregations of around 100 to 150 in a brighter parish hall
  • Up to 6,000 lumens of 250’s congregation in a well-let church hall.

So, that totally depends on the average congregations that gather on your church. If it has the seating capacity and that occasionally fills up to the max., go for the recommended lumen scale to avoid getting embarrassed.

Still, if you can happen to dim down the environment, the projector with the higher lumens would even do correctly than it is said to be.

2- Resolution

It is often misinterpreted that the resolution is part of the brightness. However, it stands still differently and has its own specifications to decide which resolution would fit your requirements.

The standard resolution is widely considered 1024 x 768, the typical resolution to clearly see the visual content. And, the type of display goes to be from XGA (eXtended Graphics Array) family.

For a projector, the history of resolution standards go from;

  • VGA (Video Graphic Array) = 640 x 480p
  • SVGA (Super Video Graphics Array) = 800 x 600p
  • XGA (eXtended Graphics Array) = 1,024 x 768p
  • WXGA (Wide eXtended Graphics Array) = 1,280 x 800p
  • HD (High Definition) = 1,920 x 1,080p
  • 4K (4 Kilo) = 4,096 x 2,160p

Amongst the resolution family, VGA and SVGA went outdated and are not considered worth purchasing in this modern world. Such a project is not entirely a good fit into a church anymore due to the low-level of the graphics quality, which cannot really accommodate the more prominent congregation.

Pick from XGA, WXGA, HD, and 4K, but understand a factor down here the more robust projector you aim to purchase, and it would massively impact the price.

So, that is all about the budget game to find the best resolution-holding projector to get a hold of church processions.

Widescreen ones to portray the content in the wide format, we recommend going with either WXGA or HD one for the incredible quality. Trying to project the wide-formed content on the projectors on the lower resolution would be a challenge AND might not work at all. Picking mediocre projectors in terms of resolution is your best bet to match all the essential requirements. Possessing modern technologies requires you not to go into hassles for years.

3- Throw ratio

Throw ratio i.e., the distance to project the content up on the wall or projection screen to actually gain high-quality results.

The moment you achieve the right distance to project the content, there would not be any need to adjust the setting further anymore.

Considered to be one heck of the essential factor down here, it does not mean how big the projector should go into the screen size as large as possible.

Knowing the hall’s full dimension first and the associated throw ratio defined by the projector itself, the dilemma is all solvable.

The terminology, throw ratio, gets completed along with the formula for “Throw ratio – Throw distance / Image width.”

Defined to place the projector from the set distance, the projectors allow you to tell what kind of throw ratio you should adopt to place the projector accordingly.

For instance, a throw ratio of the set number of 1.8 demonstrates to acquire every 1 foot of the image width by setting the projectors from a distance of 1.8 feet.

And that deviates the smaller the throw ratio your projector accompanies, and it would be able to project the high-standard and viewable visual content from the shorter distance meaning it would be a good fit within a room of even smaller size.

Projector beam of light

4- Aspect ratio

Simple as that, the screen’s width is what makes the aspect and matches the height of the screen to create the perfect display experience in a rectangular format.

Let’s get a quick glance through different aspect ratios;

  • 4:3 (Standard format)
  • 16:9 (HD or high-definition format)
  • 16:10 (Widescreen format)
  • 35:1, 2.39:1 to 2.40:1 (Cinemascope format, not what you would get for a church)

4:3 (Standard format)

NOT the sort of an aspect ratio for a church because we generally have the bigger and widescreen projectors; this aspect ratio is the first used in the early days of projectors to satisfy the needs of business presentations and the typical home theaters even being used in today’s world.

16:9 (HD format)

Kind of the mainstream and widely popular aspect ratio defined in the modern projectors, thanks to the introduction of HDTV technology, to deliver the HD visual content (up to 1080p) and would be more than a perfect fit for a church project the viewable content in HD form effectively.

16:10 (Widescreen format)

Not all but a few of the projectors go with having the aspect ratio of 16:10 used explicitly for the business purpose to showcase the wider content but not used and anywhere close to comparing to 16:9 just because of its usage and the compatibility almost all the today’s devices hold to display the content defined by the certain aspect ratio.

2.35:1, 2.39:1, and 2.40:1

Not our cup of tea, these three of the aspect ratios from 2.35:1, 2.39:1, and 2.40:1 are what is commonly used in the cinemas, so why should we even discuss it? 🙂

What aspect ratio to go with?

16:9 all the way for a projector to place inside a church!

Conclusion of the Best Projectors for a church

Concluding down right here, we got out the top 5 of the best projectors for a church comprising the best features to support the congregation conveniently to the best of their performance.

To project the text containing the slideshows and the visuals, these five projectors will do wonders when installed up inside a church hall.

No other option you got to hook in the bigger LED/LCD screen than the projectors. It seems outdated, but they are the only source of meeting the requirements to keep the congregation flown in with what has been happening to contain the prayers and the hymnal.

Varied by the price, the features these five projectors got are sufficient to get into the church, depending on how big the congregation gathers, especially on the Sunday services and other notable events filling up all the seating capacity.

FAQs about projector picking up for a church

Some of the common landed FAQs about picking a projector for a church.

Q: Can I put a LED bulb in my projector?

Ans: Yes, they can be installed as projector headlights to brighten up the brightness level to up to 300 percent than the typical halogen bulbs.

Q: Best color to paint a wall with for a projector?

Ans: Gray or white.

The higher the lumens your projector got, go with gray for projectors with 3,500 lumens and onward. Lesser than that marked line, go with white.

Q: Where should I set my projector?

Ans: Follow the specified number defined on the projector itself.